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Healing, Relaxation, Love & Gratitude

So that's a year gone … in what feels like a blink of an eye!

Many of you have been visiting Millowgan for some years now, and others of you are new. No matter how many times you have visited, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know and help you, plus trusting me to hold your hand on your healing journey.

Going into 2024 is going to be a positive experience:

Remember our Gratitudes, including the painful and not so nice experiences, our body sending us messages for us to acknowledge and our daily goals towards our self-care to keep us healthy and have something to look forward to … a walk barefoot along the beach; reading a novel; lying on the grass; having a regular treatment of choice; planning a trip you've been meaning to take.

Look Ahead instead of Backwards

Memories are wonderful for reminiscing, however every memory isn't always good. This is life. Remember everything happens for a reason, and is part of our life learnings.

Whatever you have experienced throughout 2023, leave that behind with love and gratitude for your development and create a fresh, new year with your intentions.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

So what have you got planned for 2024? Give yourself a weekly goal if a daily one is too much.

Let me know what you are intending to do; holding yourself accountable and I will support you reaching your goals!

click on the button below, sending me a message of your intentions albeit small or large:


who determines your worth?

things not to do ...

  • Do not let someone else’s presence change who you really are

  • Do not let their power or skill change what is amazing about you

  • Do not let someone else’s opinion of you change you as a person

  • Do not expand or play small according to who is around you

  • Do not allow situations or people determine how big you play or how strong you feel

  • Do not draw your value on the amount of followers you have or the title you hold in a workplace

  • Do not give your power away to anyone else but you

things to do ...

  • value your true self in every way

  • Walk tall and stand strong in all your beautiful glory and be the deserving soul that you are

  • Know that you deserve to be right here, right now just as much as anyone else

  • be proud of yourself in all your achievements no matter how big or small

  • have gratitude for everything so that more beauty will be shared with you

  • value your boundaries so you can nurture and grow

  • love everything and everyone as love is the way

And so it is…

I would love to show you the power within that you hide due to others and outside influences, to give you strength and understanding so that you can step forward into your light ...


Millowgan has a new modality coming soon and it involves crystals!!!

I shall be purchasing my crystals on Tuesday 20th June and am taking orders from YOU if you know what you'd like at a wholesale price!

How exciting!!!!!

As I shall be making a bulk purchase, you will need to know exactly what you are wanting me to buy for you being specific with your requirements.

I shall not be able to call you from the warehouse and will endeavour to do my best, purchasing exactly what you have requested, however every crystal and stone is unique, and it may vary from your expectations. bearing this in mind, if you are happy to proceed, your order is required to be completed in full before Friday 30th June.

please complete the following information and email me on/before Sunday 18th June, in case I have any questions:

  • name of crystal

  • approximate size &/price per piece

  • quantity

  • other relevant details, ie shape, colour, etc

I shall be holding some stock for retail purchase from July onwards.

If there is anything in particular you think would be lovely to see and choose from, please let me know.

love and gratitude always

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