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Updated: May 1, 2023

Having a little break from my story … I would love to share with you the Millowgan Easter Package available to purchase for the upcoming weekend … available for pick up only ...

Gift Someone Special or Yourself, to:

• Beautiful, Organic Aromatherapy Chakra Balancing Pulse Point roll-on

• A Rich, Indulgent Foot Cream to show those feet some after summer love

• Some cheeky Chocolate Eggs

• Then book in at a later date for a Reflexology treatment!

All of this for only $160 … plus the Reflexology Treatment can be taken at any time after Easter!


Updated: May 1, 2023

part 2

So after obtaining diplomas in anatomy & physiology; body massage (Swedish); aromatherapy & reflexology, I steadily built up my clients in England. putting things on temporary hold whilst I became a full time mum of my two children; Jack and Isabella and assisting my husband with his book keeping (not sure if I should have been let loose with this role as I was in constant fear of doing something incorrect!).

Throughout this time, I am grateful to my children as I learned so much and grew a lot. Having them, taught me so much about life and myself as I discovered more about unconditional love, earning respect, nutrition, allergies, behaviour, positive parenting skills, and so much more.

I loved and still love, being a mother, but the road has been far from easy. We put our big smile on and tell the world everything is ok … but inside we are crying.

I was diagnosed with postnatal depression after having my children; but the realisation was that I had always struggled with mental illness having an unhappy childhood. That was another huge learning for me, and one that I am proud to say I acknowledged (after a long time in denial) and dealt with from a ground level (not just masking it with medication).

It has moulded me into the person I am today, and have a deeper understanding about dealing with mental illness which is sadly huge in today's society. Now recognised and talked about, is a great step forward towards our healing, coping and acceptance.

As a firm believer that good things always come from bad, I knew this was all for a reason, and it made me even stronger, plus teaching me more skills and passing on my experiences to others going through similar/the same.

I joined a positive parenting course, which enabled me to become a better mother and teach parents the tools to cope with being a parent and give them confidence to ask for help as and when needed. This course was a life saver for me and my family, and something I am continuing on to this day not only for myself, but for my friends and clients.

I still have to do things to support me, such as regular exercise, treatments, and my own learnt therapies including tapping and meditation. Life is for living, and every day gives us challenges.

I encourage everyone I meet to do the same, not only for yourselves but as role models to our children.


Updated: May 1, 2023

part 1

From such a young age, I recognised the strength we give to others by being kind, loving and caring.

Friends and acquaintances always shared their innermost secrets, worries and struggles with me and would always declare that they didn't know why they were sharing the information with me but it just flowed … this continues today and fills my cup to be trusted enough, and to allow others to feel safe enough to share, and consequently start their healing.

My journey into hands-on healing began in my late 20's. You could say that it commenced as a child, with a 'knowing' and desire to ensure those around me were always comfortable, safe and happy. I didn't feel this from my home life throughout my upbringing, so perhaps this lesson enabled me to pay forward through my empathy. Some call this 'people pleasing', however I have always done it, and always will, because this is my personality ... I've just had to keep an eye on my boundaries!

I found myself in a job that was making me unhappy, so after a revelation during a meditation, I made the decision to train as a therapist.

Restricted, due to my husband and I having a 100% mortgage at 12.95%, I couldn't give up work to study … so I had to do both. it was hard work, but I loved it, and realised that this was the direction I wanted to go ...

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