part 1
From such a young age, I recognised the strength we give to others by being kind, loving and caring.
Friends and acquaintances always shared their innermost secrets, worries and struggles with me and would always declare that they didn't know why they were sharing the information with me but it just flowed … this continues today and fills my cup to be trusted enough, and to allow others to feel safe enough to share, and consequently start their healing.

My journey into hands-on healing began in my late 20's. You could say that it commenced as a child, with a 'knowing' and desire to ensure those around me were always comfortable, safe and happy. I didn't feel this from my home life throughout my upbringing, so perhaps this lesson enabled me to pay forward through my empathy. Some call this 'people pleasing', however I have always done it, and always will, because this is my personality ... I've just had to keep an eye on my boundaries!
I found myself in a job that was making me unhappy, so after a revelation during a meditation, I made the decision to train as a therapist.

Restricted, due to my husband and I having a 100% mortgage at 12.95%, I couldn't give up work to study … so I had to do both. it was hard work, but I loved it, and realised that this was the direction I wanted to go ...