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  • Thank You for 2023!

    Healing, Relaxation, Love & Gratitude So that's a year gone … in what feels like a blink of an eye! Many of you have been visiting Millowgan for some years now, and others of you are new. No matter how many times you have visited, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know and help you, plus trusting me to hold your hand on your healing journey. Going into 2024 is going to be a positive experience: Remember our Gratitudes, including the painful and not so nice experiences, our body sending us messages for us to acknowledge and our daily goals towards our self-care to keep us healthy and have something to look forward to … a walk barefoot along the beach; reading a novel; lying on the grass; having a regular treatment of choice; planning a trip you've been meaning to take. Look Ahead instead of Backwards Memories are wonderful for reminiscing, however every memory isn't always good. This is life. Remember everything happens for a reason, and is part of our life learnings. Whatever you have experienced throughout 2023, leave that behind with love and gratitude for your development and create a fresh, new year with your intentions. Wishing you a Happy New Year! So what have you got planned for 2024? Give yourself a weekly goal if a daily one is too much. Let me know what you are intending to do; holding yourself accountable and I will support you reaching your goals! click on the button below, sending me a message of your intentions albeit small or large:


    who determines your worth? things not to do ... Do not let someone else’s presence change who you really are Do not let their power or skill change what is amazing about you Do not let someone else’s opinion of you change you as a person Do not expand or play small according to who is around you Do not allow situations or people determine how big you play or how strong you feel Do not draw your value on the amount of followers you have or the title you hold in a workplace Do not give your power away to anyone else but you things to do ... value your true self in every way Walk tall and stand strong in all your beautiful glory and be the deserving soul that you are Know that you deserve to be right here, right now just as much as anyone else be proud of yourself in all your achievements no matter how big or small have gratitude for everything so that more beauty will be shared with you value your boundaries so you can nurture and grow love everything and everyone as love is the way And so it is… I would love to show you the power within that you hide due to others and outside influences, to give you strength and understanding so that you can step forward into your light ...

  • Wholesale Crystals Anyone?!

    Millowgan has a new modality coming soon and it involves crystals!!! I shall be purchasing my crystals on Tuesday 20th June and am taking orders from YOU if you know what you'd like at a wholesale price! How exciting!!!!! As I shall be making a bulk purchase, you will need to know exactly what you are wanting me to buy for you being specific with your requirements. I shall not be able to call you from the warehouse and will endeavour to do my best, purchasing exactly what you have requested, however every crystal and stone is unique, and it may vary from your expectations. bearing this in mind, if you are happy to proceed, your order is required to be completed in full before Friday 30th June. please complete the following information and email me on/before Sunday 18th June, in case I have any questions: name of crystal approximate size &/price per piece quantity other relevant details, ie shape, colour, etc I shall be holding some stock for retail purchase from July onwards. If there is anything in particular you think would be lovely to see and choose from, please let me know. love and gratitude always

  • My Story

    part 1 From such a young age, I recognised the strength we give to others by being kind, loving and caring. Friends and acquaintances always shared their innermost secrets, worries and struggles with me and would always declare that they didn't know why they were sharing the information with me but it just flowed … this continues today and fills my cup to be trusted enough, and to allow others to feel safe enough to share, and consequently start their healing. My journey into hands-on healing began in my late 20's. You could say that it commenced as a child, with a 'knowing' and desire to ensure those around me were always comfortable, safe and happy. I didn't feel this from my home life throughout my upbringing, so perhaps this lesson enabled me to pay forward through my empathy. Some call this 'people pleasing', however I have always done it, and always will, because this is my personality ... I've just had to keep an eye on my boundaries! I found myself in a job that was making me unhappy, so after a revelation during a meditation, I made the decision to train as a therapist. Restricted, due to my husband and I having a 100% mortgage at 12.95%, I couldn't give up work to study … so I had to do both. it was hard work, but I loved it, and realised that this was the direction I wanted to go ...

  • My Story

    part 2 So after obtaining diplomas in anatomy & physiology; body massage (Swedish); aromatherapy & reflexology, I steadily built up my clients in England. putting things on temporary hold whilst I became a full time mum of my two children; Jack and Isabella and assisting my husband with his book keeping (not sure if I should have been let loose with this role as I was in constant fear of doing something incorrect!). Throughout this time, I am grateful to my children as I learned so much and grew a lot. Having them, taught me so much about life and myself as I discovered more about unconditional love, earning respect, nutrition, allergies, behaviour, positive parenting skills, and so much more. I loved and still love, being a mother, but the road has been far from easy. We put our big smile on and tell the world everything is ok … but inside we are crying. I was diagnosed with postnatal depression after having my children; but the realisation was that I had always struggled with mental illness having an unhappy childhood. That was another huge learning for me, and one that I am proud to say I acknowledged (after a long time in denial) and dealt with from a ground level (not just masking it with medication). It has moulded me into the person I am today, and have a deeper understanding about dealing with mental illness which is sadly huge in today's society. Now recognised and talked about, is a great step forward towards our healing, coping and acceptance. As a firm believer that good things always come from bad, I knew this was all for a reason, and it made me even stronger, plus teaching me more skills and passing on my experiences to others going through similar/the same. I joined a positive parenting course, which enabled me to become a better mother and teach parents the tools to cope with being a parent and give them confidence to ask for help as and when needed. This course was a life saver for me and my family, and something I am continuing on to this day not only for myself, but for my friends and clients. I still have to do things to support me, such as regular exercise, treatments, and my own learnt therapies including tapping and meditation. Life is for living, and every day gives us challenges. I encourage everyone I meet to do the same, not only for yourselves but as role models to our children.

  • Easter Package!

    Having a little break from my story … I would love to share with you the Millowgan Easter Package available to purchase for the upcoming weekend … available for pick up only ... Gift Someone Special or Yourself, to: • Beautiful, Organic Aromatherapy Chakra Balancing Pulse Point roll-on • A Rich, Indulgent Foot Cream to show those feet some after summer love • Some cheeky Chocolate Eggs • Then book in at a later date for a Reflexology treatment! All of this for only $160 … plus the Reflexology Treatment can be taken at any time after Easter! Click Here to place your order!

  • My Story

    part 3 (final) After making the decision to emigrate to Australia, we started the long, pain-staking process, happily arriving in our beautiful new country on the 9th January 2011 We were greeted by the devastation of the floods, but that didn't dampen our excitement as we adjusted to our new lifestyle, purchasing our current home in thornlands, Queensland, as permanent residents (now dual citizens) I launched my Australian business that December, after deciding to name it millowgan therapies: Millowgan is an amalgamation of my maiden name 'Owgan' and my married name 'Miller' The name became shortened to millowgan as I started to introduce products, and the logo changed from a foot (implying just reflexology) to the damask rose. I love this image as it is simple and yet beautiful. Being black is part of your journey coming for your treatments - it is a colour of protection, strength and retreat. A gateway to new experiences, plus a test of strength and resolve. It can help you dissolve and let go of the old so that you can welcome the new (with thanks to Inna Segal) I always encourage/use colour with black to achieve where you need to go After spending the next few years adding to my modalities with Sugaring (chemical free hair removal), Reiki (energy healing) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping), including working from different venues; I decided to continue offering my services from my home treatment room, Away from all stress and chaos, and where you can visit far from the busyness of a mall, a high street or any other public centre So what does the future hold? Please keep following me for updates, as I have just become a Reiki Master, which means I am now able to pass on the gift of the universal life force to others. It is already enhancing my own life, and will pass through to my family, friends and clients ... Other therapies will be offered within my current packages, in order to enhance your healing experience further Usui Reiki attunements for you to use Reiki on yourself & family, then progress to others if desired Workshops will be re-introduced based around my modalities Introduction of a new workshop coming later in the year/next year! I am so excited about the future, and feel truly blessed to be here, in this moment right now ... Always remember that when something bad happens, good prevails. Just believe, trust and do not worry, as our journey is meant to be … so manifest your heart's desires, be true and kind to every living thing around you, and extend your inner beauty to all With so much love & gratitude

  • Mother's Day

    Thanking that special person in your life … your mum, your person in your life who is like a mum, a fur-baby mum, an expectant mum and a want-to-be mum … everyone is valuable and worthy for a 'thank you for being you' moment ... Mother's day is 3wks away … it seems a long time, but it will soon be upon us and your family will be wondering what to get you! If this mother's day pamper package is something you would love to enjoy; just let whomever is asking you to contact me on 0401 388 700 or book online by following the link: With so much love & gratitude

  • Activate Your Stem Cells

    As we age, our stem cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies. Imagine if we could activate our stem cells and reset them to a younger, healthier state! This would be healing in a completely non-invasive, safe & cost-effective way ... It has been done and is available through millowgan! LifeWave x39® is clinically proven to provide the body with a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth. Backed by multiple clinical studies and 20 years of development, the LifeWave x39® patch has been demonstrated to provide an abundance of health benefits ... Easy to use/wear, and include a range of other patches for specific issues peruse the website to learn more: DON'T press JOIN or BUY NOW ... just look at the science behind it and what the patches can do for you! For further information, guidance and ordering, it is imperative that you contact julie to discuss first to get the most out of your health and purchase. Just imagine: Less or no pain … more energy & vitality … being able to sleep … cut out those hot flushes … curb your anxiety … and so much more ...

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